My Weather Dashboard

Weather Dashboard - Dwains Dashboard Add-on (more_page)

Weather Dashboard in Home Assistant Dwains Dashboard.

Created by Léon van der Linden



Make Home Assistant integration

Please reboot Home Assistant after config the sensors!

Buienradar sensor + Radar map

     # Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: buienradar
    name: "Apeldoorn"
    # Force 'Meetstation Apeldoorn' to be used:
    latitude: 50.00
    longitude: 5.00
      - stationname
      - barometerfc
      - barometerfcname
      - conditioncode
      - condition
      - conditiondetailed
      - conditionexact
      - symbol
      - feeltemperature
      - humidity
      - temperature
      - groundtemperature
      - windspeed
      - windforce
      - winddirection
      - windazimuth
      - pressure
      - visibility
      - windgust
      - precipitation
      - irradiance
      - precipitation_forecast_average
      - precipitation_forecast_total
      - rainlast24hour
      - rainlasthour
      # conditions for forecasted data:
      - symbol_1d
      - symbol_2d
      - symbol_3d
      - symbol_4d
      - symbol_5d
      - temperature_1d
      - temperature_2d
      - temperature_3d
      - temperature_4d
      - temperature_5d
      - mintemp_1d
      - rainchance_1d
      - rainchance_2d
      - sunchance_1d
      - sunchance_2d
      - rain_1d
      - rain_2d
      - minrain_1d
      - maxrain_1d
      - windforce_1d
      - windforce_2d
      - windspeed_1d
      - windspeed_2d
      - winddirection_1d
      - winddirection_2d
      - windazimuth_1d
      - windazimuth_2d
# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: buienradar

Ambee Pollen sensoren

  • Make the integration with Ambee Pollen
  • Make sure you have reboot Home Assistant after that you have made the sensors!


### Ambee Pollen

# Must be added in sensor.yml
# replace LAT, LONG and API-KEY with your values

- platform: rest
  scan_interval: 3600
  name: "Ambee Pollen"
    content-type: "application/json"
    x-api-key: "YOUR-API-KEY"
  json_attributes_path: "$.data.['Risk']"
    - tree_pollen
    - grass_pollen
    - weed_pollen

- platform: template
      icon_template: "mdi:tree-outline"
      friendly_name: "tree"
      value_template: >-
        {% set state = state_attr('sensor.ambee_pollen', 'tree_pollen') %}
        {% if state == "Low" %}Low
        {% elif state == "Moderate"%}Moderate
        {% elif state == "High"%}High
        {% elif state == "Very High"%}Very High
        {% else %}Unbekannt{% endif %}

- platform: template
      icon_template: "mdi:nature"
      friendly_name: "weed"
      value_template: >-
        {% set state = state_attr('sensor.ambee_pollen', 'weed_pollen') %}
        {% if state == "Low" %}Low
        {% elif state == "Moderate"%}Moderate
        {% elif state == "High"%}High
        {% elif state == "Very High"%}Very High
        {% else %}Unbekannt{% endif %}

- platform: template
      icon_template: "mdi:grass"
      friendly_name: "grass"
      value_template: >-
        {% set state = state_attr('sensor.ambee_pollen', 'grass_pollen') %}
        {% if state == "Low" %}Low
        {% elif state == "Moderate"%}Moderate
        {% elif state == "High"%}High
        {% elif state == "Very High"%}Very High
        {% else %}Unbekannt{% endif %}

KMNI sensor

  • Make the integration with KNMI
  - platform: scrape
    resource: #change provincie
    select: "div.alert__heading"
    name: "knmi weercode"
    scan_interval: 300

  - platform: scrape
    resource: #change provincie
    select: "a.alert__description"
    name: "knmi weer waarschuwing"
    scan_interval: 300    

Moon sensor

  • Make the integration with Moon
  - platform: moon   

Season sensor

  • Make the integration with Season
  - platform: season  

Sun integration

  • Make the integration with Sun
# Example configuration.yaml entry

Installation Add-on (only for users of Dwains Dashboard)

  • Copy the weather folder in to the dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page directory.
  • Open your more_page.yaml file in dwains-dashboard/configs and add the following;
  - name: Weather
    main_menu: 'true' #Show this addon in the main navigation bar!
    icon: fas:cloud-sun-rain
    path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/more_page/weather/page.yaml'
  • Reload the theme configuration via Theme Settings

Replace the following

  • If some sensors not showing after this manual, please add the correct sensor to monitor
  • The dashboard will refresh every 10 minutes. When you want to skip this, delete the code between line 66 till 69
 - cards:
   Refresh: null
   type: 'custom:auto-reload-card'
   delay_in_minute: 10


Enjoy my card? Help me out for a couple of :beers: or a :coffee:!



Just a quick question here: I got an email from Ambee regarding “more functionality” on the API and I think the same day the Ambee Pollen setup broke.
Is this also something you have seen, or is it “just me”?


Just you. No problems here.

Yep, same here…
homeassistant.exceptions.InvalidStateError: Invalid state encountered for entity ID: sensor.ambee_pollen. State max length is 255 characters.

Ok, that does not make it better, but at least I don’t feel so alone anymore :wink:

1 Like @wlaarhov Guys, i fixt the pollen sensors. See the new pollen.yaml via GitHub - LRvdLinden/weather_dd_addon: 🔧 By LRvdLinden -- Weather Dashboard in Home Assistant Dwains Dashboard.

1 Like

Thanks, got it working again!
I looks like this statement json_attributes_path: "$.data[0]"was commented?

No there are more changes in pollen.yaml. Good that it is working again

Value templates is also new and more sensors

Yeah, I noticed the changes. Was just wondering why the parsing statement was commented-out.

Absolutely wonderful, many thanks for the fix AND upgrade!
The catch of Rene was a valid one though.

Changed the part in the “red box” of the screenshot Rene included to be on the next line, then all worked like a charm.

Thanks both!

Fixt! /cc @wlaarhov

New card type optiononnn my GitHub: GitHub - LRvdLinden/weather_dd_addon: 🔧 By LRvdLinden -- Weather Dashboard in Home Assistant Dwains Dashboard.

1 Like

Very nice Léon! My wife, yearly allergies for various trees, had a suggestion should you ever decide to upgrade this code…

It would be nice if some sort of colour indication could be given, for low, medium and high - so you immediately see the status.

But, pretty happy with what is provided already!

Hi Rene, you can now see: plataan, berk, eik, coniferen, den, els, hazelaar, lep, plataan. One tip: change interval 300 to 3600. Otherwise you track to many times the api. Free profiles can get 100 tracks every 24hrs.

I will check if i can get a color bullit in the card image

Is it possible to user other weather platform? Seems like buienradar isn’t available in US. TY

You can use the sensors of accuweather. It is a standard ha integration and i totaly rebuild it