My whole dashboard is gone after update? Went from this to this :(


I have no idea what just happend. I was updating my Home Assistant. I have the blue with Hacs installed and went thorugh 1 update of Home Assistant Core and everything looked normal then I saw something missing in my HACS integration so I clicked on Hacs and there was 7 updates simple-thermostats etc…

I went through most of them but got stuck on Hacs itself.

It didnt want to update.

I went the SSH way and updated to 1.33 latest version.

Now my nabucasa account startied to have troubles and i have to use the local ip to access my dashboard.

I update the last 2 integrations in Hacs and then when I update my dashboard I go from this dashboard

I have absolutely no idea what just happend. I have set my home assistant up long time ago and don’t normally mess around for a long time.

I also can’t edit dashboard like I use to do. It says something about “take control of your dashboard”

Anyone have any idea what could have happend. Is everything gone. Is there some new update that makes my old configuration.yaml not working anymore?

My whole family is dependent on this and I set it all up a long time ago hence I’m freaking out right now.

Any help going forward is greatly appreciated.

Just adding this from my Backups. Is this something I can use to come back to an old setup?

I’m happy to run an older system if that is what I have to do.

Just a guess. But if Home Assistant sees this as a new device, it defaults to the “Overview” dashboard. Click on the username on the sidebar and select the correct dashboard.

Yes, tried that. I have no dashboards to choose from it’s greyed out.

Feel like a complete idiot trying to run through all updates like that…

Also I can’t se any ui-lovelace.yaml file in the file editor. I’m almost sure I had that file before.

Thank you for answering

I found mine at

Open it with any text editor and copy the contents to the clipboard. Then you can edit the dashboard in raw yaml and paste the copied yaml.

Edit the current dashboard, edit in raw yaml and copy the contents to the clipboard. Then save it in a backup file. Just in case.

I’ve never needed to do this, so I don’t have a clue that it will work… You may have to search for the yaml file for your desired dashboard. In the .storage folder (don’t edit anything in there) there are no file type suffixes.

If you can’t find the desired dashboard yaml file there, you can drill down into a recent backup tar file to find it.

Thank you so much.

I will do this in the morning. Getting late here and have a little one waking up early as a bird. But I feel better reading your post knowing I have a possible solution in the morning.

Thank You!!

Let us know the results, please. I would like to know if my suggestions are actually correct. :rofl:

Hey stevemann,

Thank you so much for your suggestions, I couldn’t edit the current dashboard so the raw yaml was not accessible for me. As I didnt have a lot of time I went to restore the backup from 6 hours prior. Luckily that worked and everything came back.

I think I will stop updating from here on or at least wait till I have more time to dive into Home Assistant again.

So sorry that I can’t confirm your solution, at least right now. I will keep this in mind for a later time when/if I eventually update in the future.

One question still stands. What could have happend? Would be nice to know for the future.

Thanks again stevemann

The current dashboard you see is an autogenerated one. The yaml of that is empty (that is what makes it autogenerated). So there is nothing to copy there, you can create autogenerated ones at will. You can have as many dashboards as you like. A grayed out dashboard section suggests to me you may not be logged in as an admin user but with less rights. Could it be the current user is a new one, not allowed to see the one you created as admin level user?

Hi Edwin

That makes sense, and was also the reason I went for the backup. It was as if the dashboard went to default and my old dissapeared.

I’m not sure it’s a user right’s issue since I have the same greyed out dashboard selection now also, when everything is working fine. Also the users are the same as the last couple of years, no change there.

I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the update of Hacs and not the update of HA core. I have updated to the latest HA core with no issue.