My Z-wave network cannot see the neighbours

As earlier posts I have the Aeotex Z-stick Gen5 and different devices.
The can not show neighbour devices but only 1 - the controller.
The same devices when I used the Raspberry with Razberry connected to each other fine.
Are there issues with Aeotec Z-stick Gen 5 in this area?
I need them to connect.
Any imput to enevtuan config misstakes or anything else appreciated.
Does it matter if the devices are connected secure or not?
Thanks in advance

Can you give some more information on your setup? What devices (types) are you using, are they in the same room, is your network functioning for the rest?

It seems that secure and unsecure devices are able to talk to each other (mesh) so that shouldn’t be an issue. I’d recommend adding all nodes securely so somebody can’t hack parts of your devices :slight_smile:

I am using Telldus Telldus TZWP-100 Plug-in Switch and a Popp & Co 700397 Wall Plug Switch with the AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 EU.
All devices in the same room.
For some reason one device appear to be “unconnected” but still works. The strange thing apart from this is that there are only one neighbour to the devices even though they are only a few feets from each other.
If I removed them from this -wave server to my old rasperry they find each other.
I hope someone can help - my head is in to the wall right now…

If they are connecting to your old z-wave stick, then it sounds like the devices still have their old address.

You will probably need to factory reset each device before adding it to the ZW090 stick.

I have made a factory reset of all devices and the stick as well - still the devices cannot see neighbours. Can it be a issue to have two different z-wane networks in the same area?
the networks are not connected in any way.
I hope someone can help.
I am stuck

Multiple Z-Wave networks can co-exist in the same area/room. Are you using the built-in Z-Wave or Open Z-Wave? Where are you looking for the associated neighbors? Tried healing the network?

I removed all devices from homeassistant via the z-wave integration.
rolled back clean snapshot with NO integrations at all that I took when I first installed.
factory reset on all devices including z-wave stick.
Updated to latest HA
installed z-wave via integration panel
added key and devices secure
They find their neighbours now!! complete re-set f everything…
Thanks all for input!!

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