MyAir AC Zoning System, climate and Room Association for Components

Does anyone with MyAir or e-zone have motion sensors, and if so can they confirm what the value of “motionConfig” is? My e-zone system has no motion sensors and its “1” in every zone, but @dwooner has MyAir and has “0” in every zone. I found a single reference online of someone who had a value of “2”, so I am wondering if that the right value when motion is present.

Where’s the JSON for the instance that had the value of 2 ? I’m thinking check the system section - it appears to have a list of capabilities, “hasSensors” might be there for motionconfig, or maybe it’s for the alarm add-on. Here’s mine:


Thanks heaps for the updates, working great now !!
I’ve noticed I still get a timeout when rebooting HassOS, but supervisor restarts seem fine.

Thanks again :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Wow I’ve been off this thread for a while because my hack-job was working for me, but @Brett_Adams fantastic work on the custom component (it was always just beyond my coding capabilities!).

I switched over to it last night and updated some of my automations/scripts, all working great! Now if I can get external temperature sensors (like @AndrewF6, though I have Xiaomi LYWSDCGQ sensors) that would be ideal!

Glad it’s working well for you @speedst3r.

As of last night, a heavily modified version of this integration was merged into dev, so hopefully in a few weeks you can all uninstall “myair” and configure “advantage air” in core Home Assistant.

Right now it only has the climate platform, but I’ll be rapidly adding back the other platforms over the next few days.



Great work thanks @Brett_Adams

Thanks so much @Brett_Adams !

Any plans to implement whole system fan control ? MyAir has low, medium, and high available by default.

I thought fan control was already there… click the dots at the top right of your thermostat card.

@speedst3r is right @dwooner, it’s already there on the primary climate entity.

Well, now I’m just embarrassed ! :upside_down_face:

The entire Advantage Air integration with all platforms and platinum code quality will be in the next release of Home Assistant. You can see/get the integration from the Home Assistant release candidate branch. If you’re impatient you can download that branch now, and copy the advantage_air folder to your custom_components folder and start using it.

Once 0.117 is released, I will be updating my HACS MyAir custom integration with a warning log, recommend it be uninstalled and replaced with the new Advantage Air integration.


Thanks a lot for this Brett, I’ve recently had an e-Zone system installed and it’s great to be able to integrate it into Home Assistant. Cheers for all the effort.

The Advantage Air integration has been released in 0.117.0

I will no longer be supporting the HACS MyAir integration, and it’s final update will be a console message advising the user to change over.

This forums post was my inspiration and used for a lot of the early development before I even moved into my house with the system, so thank you all!


Great work @Brett_Adams - loving the integration.

Just seeing if anyone has some connection issues when changing settings with an eZone system. E.g. if i turn on/off, change cover settings, or change temp the integration and entities go temporarily “unavailable” for 10 - 30 seconds. Integration then resumes, but means I can only do one climate change at a time before waiting for reconnection.

Also if anyone has done the hard work of writing some automations to use non-Advantage Air temperature sensors (I have Xiaomi) to set zone/cover behaviour, would love to steal your code! :smile:

Are you using the MyAir or Advantage Air integration? I thought I had totally fixed that issue in the new python library for Advantage Air. Basically when you chance something the system responds with an empty payload for a little while, but I coded it to retry with a backoff.

If this is Advantage Air please raise an issue on the Home Assistant github and lets work on fixing it.

Yeah Advantage Air @Brett_Adams.

2020-11-10 18:35:09 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.advantage_air] Error fetching Advantage Air data: No valid response after 5 failed attempts. Last error was:

OK issue logged -

@Brett_Adams looks like fix is commited and testing shows everything all good, no more unavailable! Good work :smile:

A quick quesiton - in the fix, you mention “Advantage Air retry limit for older systems”. Can you elaborate on what you mean by “older systems”? Mine is a new install, so would be good to know if they’ve given me some old stock!

Ok that may be a bad assumption on my behalf. “Slower” systems. My e-zone system takes less than a second for changes usually.


Just moved into our new house with MyPlace, so glad to see an integration that worked right off the bat, was wondering how difficult it would be to add the lights and buttons to this?

Honestly not too difficult. I certainly could try add this for you if you send me your output from the API

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