MycroftOS is a bare minimal linux OS based on Buildroot to run the Mycroft A.I. software stack on embedded devices. The software stack of Mycroft A.I. creates a hackable, privacy minded, open source voice assistant.
It is heavenly inspired by HassOS (hence the similar approach naming it).
Why this thread on the Home Assistant forums
It is currently at a stage that it becomes ussuable for any day use. Don’t get me wrong, I still consider it in alpha release, but as Voice Control becomes more and more important, even for Home Assistant which now even has a dedicated section for it. I believe, now is the time to share this with you guys as well.
I really, REALLY could use some feedback/testing/bug hunting/etc. from other users then myself. There is only X amount of test work you can do, and even then… I will always do thing the way I have them intended to. Other people might do things in a way I haven’t thought about and it is just those things I am after.
I strongly believe that the Home Assistnat users / community are the exact type of users that can benefit from this and there are ussuale not afraid to try things. Tinker with things. Accepty this to be broken, but more importantly; They are the type of users that contribute by feedback, filling issues, helping out with PR’s, etc.
So let’s get to the point…
Where can you go
Information on development can be found on Github;
More information on the different versions and especially information on the latest alpha4 version, I would like to redirect you to the Mycroft A.I. forums;
Downloads for currently both RPI3 and RPI4 can be found at my own personal website;
Hook up with Home Asstant
There is a skill at the Mycroft A.I. market place that make controling HA possible.
Just give the voice command;
Install Home Assistant
And head over to the skill settings page of your device to configure your Home Assistance settings.
There is a Mycroft integration for Home Assistant here;
Happy to receive feedback on this. Both positive as negative. Also open for any coding help I can get. Pull Requests are more than welcome.