Myfox Alarm



I look for an integration for HASSIO that show only camera preview of Somfy Protect.

Is it possible with you work?

Thank you

I have installed the Homebridge plug-in. But it does not have any camera streaming feature, just an alarm switch.
I see that your somfy-protect-api does expose Indoor Camera. Is the embedded camera in the Somfy One product also managed ? I understand that this camera is basically the Indoor Camera packaged with an alarm but unfortunately it did never receive the HomeKit compatibility as does the Indoor Camera.
Also, could you point me out to some tutorial about how to make your Python3 API Client work with HA ? I’m a newbie, I know how to install it but then after …? For example, you give an usage example but where should I put this example ? In a python script in HA ?
Thanks in advance.

It won’t be possible for now. I have found the api endpoint to get stream, but I have not the right api call.

The url called is
found in the android app source code while decompiling it. If someone is a master in java, maybe I can help us to find the right call.

Yes it exposes the camera state, later the roller shutter will controlled by the api, but I have not implement it for now.
I have received the FW update on mine, and I was able to configure it in HomeKit. I think it can be add in homebrige and then HA, or directly in HA with accessory mode. But I have not test for now.

To use it with HA, it’s a bit too early. I try to understand HA integration to propose a custom component.
But I think I will create first a somfyProtect2mqtt first as it seems easier for me to make. Just need a bit of time to work on it.

If you have knowledge in python3, the easiest way is get_devices() on the api. then loop on the list, push data in Mqtt to create entities, and make this every minutes. I hope to be able to propose something in few weeks

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I have made a pre alpha version. If you want to give it a try :

The script can have some stability problem, I have not made all the necessary work for now.

If you want to contribute do not hesitate :slight_smile:

Thank you Minims !
I am using Homebridge method actually but I was waiting for this for a long time

Few remarks after first test :

  • I think you should remove your token from Github :wink:

  • I can see all my sensors with MQTT-explorer but nothing in HA (discovery is enabled)

EDIT : I solve discovery issues by adding device information and unique_id in I can share it on your github.

Sorry, how I should do to integrate this repository to my Home Assistant? I’m trying to add it as a new repository under Supervisor, but I’m not sure this is the right way.


Yes you can make a PR on GitHub :slight_smile: Thx.

Where do I leave my token ? Can you point me this in PM ?
If you mean client_id & client_token in the api repo, this is normal ;-). It is the same for everyone to simulate the Mobile APP.

You have to make it run on a linux env, on raspbian for ie.
It will work with HA Supervised Install mode, but not on HA OS for now.
It can run too on an other system having python3 installed.

Update on the dev branch :

  • Fix missing requirements

  • You can now manager the alarm status between, armed, disarmed and partial (activé, nuit, désactivée)

Ok, I see. I’ve it on HA OS… So for now I’ve to wait, got it.

Update on the dev branch:

  • Fix HA Discovery (Thanks @schumijo)
  • Update Readme with some decompilation information for contributor
  • Add new sensors (Wifi, Lora, MFA, device_lost)
  • Fix Somfy connection issue

@teo.cannata if someone know how to make a Hass-io add-on in order to add it as repo in supervisor menu for HA OS user. Feel free to help us :slight_smile:

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Thank you Minims for this update !

Sorry I have no time to make a PR before your update… but your device information integration is better than mine :slight_smile:

Could be enough the addition of described file into root folder of your repository?
Take a look here:

I have created an addon for my personal use that I can share with you.
Just add my repository in your addons store.

Please be aware that I’m not an expert and I only develop this for my personal use originally.
So maybe some bugs could happen.
And some limitations are present : no logs, configuration not completely integrated in UI, no logo :laughing:, …

@Minims : I hope you are agree with my sharing

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I am trying it, after installing it what should I do?

After the installation there is a configuration tab where you have to put you Somfy credentials and Mqtt parameters.

I’ve it running but I think it’s not working because also if I set in the configuration

    - Casa

it shows in the register (log)

    - Maison

I think it is not receiving my site name and this led to not get any information from the api. Could be?


Yes you are right. That’s what I said in my post. For the moment I’m not able to manage this setting from UI so it’s hard-coded.
I hope to find a solution quickly

Version 0.0.2 available !

Added sites setting

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Loving you :slight_smile:
Now I get following log…we’re almost there I guess…

BTW I see in the log that Casa seems uncorrectly indented, but in the configuration panel it was correctly set.