Myfox Alarm

but has anyone tried to use two accounts? i also don’t want to pay iftt


It’s possible. I have this automation :

alias:Garage door is opened while not home
description: 'Ring alarm when garage door is opened if either nobody is at home, or somfy security camera is On, or Somfy Protect alarm is armed "Away"'
  - below: '23'
    entity_id: sensor.garage_door_opening_sensor
    platform: numeric_state
  - condition: and
      - condition: or
          - condition: state
            entity_id: alarm_control_panel.somfy
            state: armed_away
          - condition: state
            entity_id: switch.somfy_security_camera
            state: 'on'
      - condition: and
          - condition: state
            entity_id: person.myself
            state: not_home
          - condition: state
            entity_id: person.my_wife
            state: not_home
  - data:
      event: alarm_trigger
    service: ifttt.trigger
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: ***unique_id_of_entity***
    entity_id: switch.shutters_close
    domain: switch
mode: single

By using IFTTT service ifttt.trigger and specifying alarm_trigger as data, it will fire the alarm. In IFTTT you need to create a service that will receive a web request with alarm_trigger as event name to sound the siren of your system.

thank you it works !! :smiley: :+1:

Is anyone of you having problems with IFTTT applets lately? I get often Applet Failed, “errors with the trigger” when an applet should received an alarm status change… With the result that IFTTT doesn’t make the web request and my Home Assistant doesn’t know the alarm changed status.

I’m the only one having this kind of problem?


PS I now I’m also paying for a not reliable service! :neutral_face:

I am having the same problem and can’t seem to find anyone else reporting the same problem!

guys, has anyone managed to use two IFTTT accounts?

I found this for Somfy Home Alarm and it works great :

It uses “”;

There is some function like getDevicesFromSiteId and getDevice, and I’m able to read temperature from Outdoor Alarm Siren for ie. (not integrated in the home bridge component)

I think we can create a Python integration of this for HASS, with advanced feature, camera control, temperature reading, alarm control . Seems promising.

It would be great!!

but how are you using it? I’m still stuck with IFTTT.

For now, just install homebridge, homebridge-config-ui-x, and home bridge-somfy-protect on raspberry pi

sudo apt install nom
sudo su
npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge
npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge-config-ui-x
npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge-somfy-protect

Then go to http://‘ip of raspberry’:8581 and go to config.
Configure SomfyProtect. and use login/password you use in the app on your phone.

Then it’s can be add to HomeKit via “Maison” or to HomeAssistant via Homekit Accessory Mode.

I don’t I can convert this to a python integration. But I might try to make a SomfyProtect2Mqtt to get all alarm device status and additional infos. It might need some time to have something working for me. But maybe a more advanced user can make better thing as the homebridge component have reverse eigeneired everything.

These are great news… Just one question, to have home kit working should I have some apple account? Because I don’t have any apple device in KY house :sweat_smile:


nope :slight_smile:
Somfy > Homebrige > Hass > Android App :slight_smile: for ie

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Do you know if this Homebridge plug-in does offer camera streaming feature ?
Just like to consider if it is worth the hassle of adding a homebridge layer on top of HA, since the IFTTT workaround is already working great for (but only for) alarm switching on/off.

Somfy Camera you mean ? Like the Indoor One ?

But Indoor Camera is Homekit compatible, so I think it can be add to Homekit as accessory.
Will have a look, I received mine 2 days ago. Need to setup it

Just to be sure, what you called “Homekit Accessory Mode” is now what I find under Integrations --> “Controller HomeKit” in HomeAssistant?

Yes, there is 2 modes, bridge or accessory

I have created a python3 lib to manage a Somfy Protect Alarm (Home Alarm). This is not complete, but basic features are managed.

Feel free to test :

I have also started working on an integration in HA, but it’s a bit more difficult. I still need to understand how it works.


Wow, this is a great news! In the meantime I will try your homebridge solution…thank you!!

I tried installing homebridge on my raspberry but I’m using HassOS and I’m thinking I cannot install packages.

In the meanwhile I was able to make your python3 lib work on my alarm! AWESOME!!
The only missing step is integrating it as custom component on Home Assistant I guess! :smiley: