MyQ Account Integration when Account thru Amazon?

Hi there - just getting started with HA and am trying to install/configure the MyQ integration. It asks me to connect to the MyQ Gateway with a username and password. Probably a silly question but: what account is this trying to connect to? Where would I set it up?

When I originally set up my MyQ I did so by connecting it to my Amazon account thru the MyQ phone app. So when I go into the MyQ app, click on my account details, it says “You are signed in through Amazon. All myQ communications will be sent to this email address.”

Is this a problem for HA integration or am I missing something?


I’m running into the exact same thing, curious if you were ever able to figure it out?

I have the same issue.

It feels hacky, but I was able to get it working by just inviting a personal email as a co-owner.

I came up with a slightly less janky workaround: MyQ Account Integration when using SSO through Amazon · Issue #85405 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

TL;DR do a MyQ password reset, set a unique password, use that in HA and you can still OAuth for everything else.

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I did that and when trying to initialize it says “failed setup” and finds no devices or entities.

2023-09-23 16:51:12.297 DEBUG (MainThread) [pymyq.api] Error requesting data from 403 - Forbidden