MyQ “closed” notifications when garage already closed

I’ve been using the MyQ integration and generally it works well. I can open and close my garage through Home Assistant just fine.

But I’ve also set up some automations to send notifications to my phone when the garage door opens and closes. I get random “Garage closed” notifications from time to time when the door is already closed. My automation is based on state. When the state changes to “closed” the notification is sent.

If the garage is already closed, how is the state changing to “closed” so that it triggers my automation? Or if it’s changing to something else momentarily, then changing back to closed, what might that momentary state be?

To be clear the garage door is not actually opening or closing when this happens. The garage door is closed the whole time. It can be closed for hours or even days when I get the false notification.

Here’s the yaml for my automation trigger:

platform: state
entity_id: cover.garage_door
id: closed
to: closed

Thanks for any help!

It’s probably cycling from unknown to closed - wifi dropouts. Mayne try adding from: open?

Yeah good thought. I changed the trigger to cycle from “closing” to “closed.”

platform: state
  - cover.garage_door
id: closed
to: closed
from: closing

Let’s see how that goes.

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