Trying to use the MyQ cover to control my MyQ Garage Door opener Hub. Config is as follows:
#Garage Door
- platform: myq
name: Garage Door
username: !secret myq_user
password: !secret myq_pass
type: craftsman
And the Secrets file is defined as follows:
myq_user: [email protected]
myq_pass: XXXXXXX
However, it always keeps giving me the following:
2019-02-11 09:57:58 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.cover.myq] There was an error while logging in: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Try again. (203)
I can log on to the App fine using the same credentials as well as to as well. Not sure what am I missing
I have tried:
- Changing password
- Using username/password directly without the Secrets file