MyQ Garage Cover Automation Not working

Hi I have 2 Myq garage doors working fine within HA. I can open and see the current state.
I would like to automate so when the door is open a bunch of lights around my house turn on.
This automation works fine when using zwave door sensor but when I try the cover state I can’t get the light to turn on when the garage doors are open.

Is some thing wrong with my automation for Myq Cover?

alias: Nicola Garage Door OPEN
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: cover.ngaragedoor
    to: 'on'
    from: 'off'
condition: []
  - service: switch.turn_on
        - switch.sonoff_bas_garage_alert
        - switch.sonoff_fam_garage_alert
        - switch.sonoff_liv_gar_alert
        - switch.sonoff_master_garage_alert
mode: single

Covers are open or closed, not on and off.

MyQ also supports opening and closing while the door is in transit. So if using both to and from in your trigger, keep that in mind.