Mysa Thermostat "Energy Usage" stat

The Mysa Thermostat integration via HomeKit worked great to get the current temperature, and humidity sensors integrated (along with the set point and on/off controls). The mobile app for these devices also tracks the energy usage in kWh, but that stat is not integrated into Home Asssistant. This would be extrememy helpful as I try to track down our energy patterns. I’m not sure where to start the request to have that data point added to the integration.


+1 to this!

I’d love to know if anyone figures this out

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I asked the Mysa support team about this and (once I got past the AI chatbot) the answer was:

Unfortunately Apple Homekit does not have the energy usage feature, this is only available through the Mysa app as of now.
We can certainly pass along your feedback to our development teams!
