Mysensors barometer graph

hi guys,
how can i change this graph, with a more readable line graph?
this is a mysensor weather station. i can get line graph for temperature and humidity, but not for pressure. do you know why?
this is the card yaml

type: history-graph
  - entity: sensor.bme280_sensor_51_2
    name: Pressure
    chart_type: line
hours_to_show: 168
title: Barometer

This option does not exist )))

Please post a screenshot:
Dev tools - Set state - select this sensor.

Seems that this sensor is not considered as numerical.
Is it a template sensor or made by some integration?

you’re right :stuck_out_tongue: , i removed chart_type

Add a unit with customization.
Or may be adding device-class pressure (if it exists, do not remember fo sure) instead will be enough.

yess, it work! but when i restart HA this change disappear…
how can make this setting persistent?
i added the attribute in developer tools → states ->State attributes
is that the right way? sorry, i’m noob in HA…

This method only for testing.

Open properties window for this sensor, you will see a toolbar button (cog, if I recall it properly), then define unit or a device class

i’m sorry to bother you again, but i can’t find the way to add measurement unit. there is no field in entity settings.

i also tried to add this code in customize.yaml (as described here ), but it doesn’t work

  name: Home
  unit_system: metric
  # etc

    # Add an entry for each entity that you want to overwrite.
      unit_of_measurement: mB

Cannot help you now with this, do not have an access to HA.
Earlier there was a separate “Customize” window, a user could select there any entity and redefine existing attributes or add new attributes.
Then this window was removed from HA; it was said that customization is possible in the entity properties window (your screenshot). But you cannot find it…
Myself never used this window for customization; always use yaml.

Your yaml looks OK; have you reloaded your customizations? Also, after reloading a customized entity “demonstrates” it new properties only after it’s state change. So, in your case it is possibly better to restart HA.

system restarted with no luck :frowning:

Let’s check if the sensor got a customized UoM.
Post a screenshot from “Dev tools - set state” for this sensor.

Means - customization did not work.
Can you see any errors in the Log?

nope, no logs, just value updates

I mean a system log.
Besides, where do you have this code located, which file?

i found the problem: customize.yaml is not loaded. if i put the customization in configuration.yaml it works.
now, i would like to have a separate file for sensors customization, but if i type (i found this code in serveral website):

sensor: !include sensor.yaml

in configuration.yaml i got this error:
"The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [sensor]: required key not provided @ data[‘platform’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 11). "

what is the right way to add new config file?

edit: Obviously i created the file sensor.yaml in /config

What you are trying to achieve is called “config splitting”.
There are different ways of achieving it.
Basic docs are here.
You may find a discussion here, my experience is here.