MySensors Template and MQTTGateway?

Hello All,
I’m about to begin work on a major project to develop a manual color selector for RGB lighting. As I will be building the device from scratch, I found the most direct approach would be to build off an existing MySensors example. Assuming I am able to successfully adapt the original sketch, the state of support for MYS in Home Assistant will be my next major obstacle. Judging from the number of MYS-related posts by other users on this forum, I’m thinking we could all benefit from a more standardized approach to the MySensors component. I could see great potential in two new developments in particular…

The first is an experimental version of the MYS MQTTGateway which is based on a CLIENT rather than a standalone broker- ( … nt-gateway)

The second is the new templating engine available in v0.10.

A few users have already successfully tested the MQTTClientGateway so maybe we can create a dedicated thread in the developers forum for this issue?

I need to learn much more about the template features in general, but I’m wondering if it would make sense to create a default template as a starting point for the MySensors component? This may help in a more unified approach for working with MYS as both sensors and switches. Would this make sense, or do I need to read more about how templates work?


I don’t think you need templates for mysensors since most values are already formatted and single when they arrive. Only case might be if you send a custom string, but I can’t really see a use case there.

Edit: It could be interesting for automations though, as for evaluating states and attributes.

Regardinng the MQTT broker, the development version of MySensors already use an external MQTT broker. I successfully tested this new development version with a lot of sensors and works fine: … or-nodes/3
Unfortunately, I do not have RGB lights, so I cannot help in this area.