Mysensors version "2.0" config error

Hi all,
After much frustration I’ve realised the reason my light sensor isn’t working when I use v_level is because you need to specifiy to use version 2.0, otherwise it defaults to version 1.4 which doesn’t support v_level for s_light_level… it only supports v_light_level which is a % (so must be 0-100). My node is sending out lux so this is a bit of a problem.

Anyway… so I’ve tried setting version to “2.0” as shown here

However this gives me a config error.

Can anyone help me with this?

Heres the my config:

    - device: ''
      tcp_port: 5003
      persistence_file: '/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/mysensors.json'
      version: '2.0'


Arhg another indentation error. Nevermind, I had version under “gateways”.