Mysterious MQTT broker crash at exactly the same time each day - already ruled out power issues


I have HA running on a Raspberry Pi 4 and it runs quite stable since one year on a USB SSD.

However, at exactly 1:00 plus/minus 10 minutes each night, some of my entities (Warema awnings intgrated via MQTT) become unavailable, which I suspect comes from a crash of my MQTT broker (Mosquitto AddOn).

I saw that my CPU, RAM and temperature as well as network usage spike up around the time of the problem, like this:

How could I check if Mosquitto crashed during this time?
HA runs normally during the crash, as seen because all my other sensors (Zigbee, ESPHome, WiZ plugs, openWB) stay available and give normal values.

Best Regards and thanks in advance

Look at the Mosquitto add-on log.

  1. Read the broker logs (and post the last bit here with code fences so they are readable).

  2. Run on a separate machine to log all traffic to the broker.

  3. Check the HASS logbook for anytthing happening at 01:00:10 as that sounds like a daily scheduled systemd / cron job.

The other test is to power cycle everything and see if the issue moves in time - MQTT data can time-out (depending on retained and availability settings).

If this helps, :heart: this post!

PS The next question after Why? is ALWAYS What is in the logs?. The only question is how much help you need to interpret the logs.

Could some network device have a scheduled reboot? Just throwing there a random idea

Hi Aaron Eisele,

This might turn up something. Worth a try.

Tracking Down Instability Issues Caused by Integratons