myStrom Bulbs loosing Color-Setting if turning off and on again, why not resuming with same color?

Hi all
I have several myStrom bulbs in my Home Assistant configuration.
My problem is, that the settings of the bulb I set after turning it on were not saved. So when I set any color to the bulb, turn it off and on again, the setting is gone and the bulb is turning on white.

Is there any fix for this?

When I turn off and on the same bulb in Node-Red, it saves the last settings. The Problem is only in Home Assistant.

Has someone the same issue? Or did I miss any configuration?

Thank you in forward.

Home Assistant only sends what you tell it to send, and relies on the device storing any state you want retained.

For example, my Yeelight retains the last settings and if I simply turn it on, it restores the last brightness and colour/colour temperature. It sounds like your myStrom bulbs don’t do that.

Thank you.

But as i mentioned that effect is only in Home Assistant. In Node-Red -> no Problem. In the myStrom App -> no Problem. When I connect directly in Apple Homekit -> no Problem. That’s why I am asking if i forgot anything further to configure. I already did the configuration.yamle config as it is written in the “Integration”-Section.

The only other possibility is that you have light_profiles.csv in your config folder