That sounds very cool and also way beyond my capabilities…🫣
One question though…you write that Vaillant has some support for batteries, solar irradiation and dynamic prices…but as far as I am aware they don’t. The only method of doing anything at all “smart” with Vaillant is by using eebus but that is only supported by SMA as far as I know.
Le service « myVAILLANT : Set quick veto » permet de choisir le temps de programmation, mais uniquement sur les heures, serait-il possible de rajouter les minutes ?.
I installed the Plugin but it shows me only the consumption and no options to set temperatures or something, any idea?
it found 2 devices aroTHERM and uniTOWER
did anyone test this integration with recoVAIR VAR260/4 or similar ventilation? Does it get identified via the VRC720?
(just got a notification that soon can migrate to myVaillant from SensoApp…having high hopes )
Quick question…the integration seems to be running well and has been stahle for me for a while now.
One think I am missing though is the separate efficiency ratings for heating, cooling and hot water that I get in the actual Android App.
Is there a way to read that data from the API and pass it on to the Integration?
I run the integration for several weeks and everything worked nice.
Since yesterday, any actions are answered with an error: Fehler beim Aufrufen des Dienstes… 404 message:Not found
Does anyone know why HACS Updates no longer reliably show up automatically? I often have to specifically re-dowload an integration to get HACS to show me there is an Update available…
I have an aroTHERM plus with a VR921 Gateway and the sensoCOMFORT VRC720 but I do not get any of the controls with this integration. I only have the sensors
That is strange. I have the same Heatpump and get the hor water (Unitower) and the Zone Devices. With the Zone Devices I can create a HA Climate entity and can control hot water temp with an automation calling the corresponding service.
Following a power outage to the whole house I now have 3 more entities so the controls now appear for the integration. The problem is however that they do not work