Nabu Alexa add toggle to not add entities automatically

This should be a simple one, under the Home Assistant Cloud and Alexa section, add a toggle that stops Alexa from automatically receiving any new entity added to HA so that it can be manually toggled ON from the Manage Entities page (versus going to toggle it OFF from there and also manually deleting from the Alexa app)

This is possible. On the Cloud configuration page go to Alexa card β†’ Manage entities. In the top right you can configure the default setting per domain. For each entity you can override (force yes/no) or follow domain setting.


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Sorry but that is still not a solution. A toggle that would enable or disable auto-adding new entities would fix this.

If you don’t want lights to be exposed, you set the light domain to not be automatically exposed. Then you opt-in each light that you want to expose.

I understand, but that would require re-doing all entities that I have exposed to Alexa, and that breaks Alexa automations.