I have been using Nabu Casa for my remote connection successfully for several years now. I recently updated to HA 2024.3.3 and since then I can still connect remotely via the Nabu Casa URL and the mobile app loads without error on cell or outside WiFi (and at home).
The problem is though is that sensors don’t seem to update anymore stating “Failed to Send” and usually seems like it is trying to communicate with my internal IP versus the cloud URL in the App logs. In my troubleshooting I checked HA and it says that it is “Connected” and will share the remote URL with me however Nabu Casa’s admin page says that it is not connected and refuses to give me a URL.
I have tried restarting HA and fiddling with settings to see if I can jar it awake. I checked my network logs to see if it looks like it is getting blocked, and I don’t see anything there. The Home Assistant log does show one thing that caught my eye “2024-03-26 09:17:45.539 WARNING (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.cloud_api] Fetched https://remotestate.nabucasa.com/request_sync (500)”
but doesn’t seem to show repeat errors and I also seem to be able to reach that from my network generally.
Any ideas?