Nabu Casa has acquired ESPHome

I’m sure Expressive will be pleased, I can’t imagine how many of their chips have been flashed with binaries produced by ESPHome.

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Yes, PLEASE, don’t go down the path of “make it easier” and start requiring everything to be configured from a UI.


SMH, seriously? This thread shines a not very flattering light on this community.


This is great! ESPHome has become such an integral part of helping make dumb things smart!
Thank you soooo much to Otto for brining so many ESP devices to life in such a set-it-and-forget it way. I have no doubt that @jesserockz and @glmnet will carry the torch well, they’ve already been busy and I look forward to the things to come!

i think it just comes down to being a popular project, always going to have some people who are negative to any announcements

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From its beginnings it was always tailored towards HA.

Esphomelib - library to greatly simplify Home Assistant integration with ESP32 - Third party integrations / ESPHome - Home Assistant Community (


I don’t use esphome and don’t intend to but this strikes me as a very good move. Hopefully support will improve when it’s no longer a one-man-band. (never could get past the wifi issues with 1.4 (?) ) Can’t see myself switching from Tasmota anyway…

It’s great that ESPHome has been acquired by Homeassistant.
However, forgive my ignorance, but what are the benefits on Nabu Casa subscription?
I can already connect to my HA when out of home without port forwarding etc, I already have an OpenVPN set up on my NAS, doesn’t everyone these days?
Anyhoo is there any other benefits that I’m missing out on?

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Cloud configuration (

Nabu Casa is seamless; open the HA app away from home and it connects. The benefit is to the community via the HA devs because the $5 per month goes to funding development. It is a very small price to pay for benefits of HA.

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I don’t use Nabu Casa, but use Esphome a lot (without MQTT in HA). Sound like nothing is changing in terms of access and development :+1:

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for supporting the project, I’d happily pay a fixed price for HA.

But with all respect, my connection is seamless already, with no effort, as I already had a VPN to home (for my NAS, like every other NAS user who wants external access).
I was just wondering if I was missing other advantages.

The Alexa integration I have already with a two-liner in the configuration.yaml (local without cloud)
listen_port: 80’

Which VPN does you use and is it TrueNAS?

Just curious, as I know very little about the software world, but how do you acquire an open source project? Is it a chat with Otto, maybe a check, and then he transfers the github?

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Great news and thanks to @OttoWinter for creating and maintaining ESPHome for such a long time!


Discovery is not required to use a device with mqtt nor home automation system. It’s helper to automaticly recognize and add mqtt device to the system. And sometimes it’s limiting too
So why this “had to develop”?

Regarding the subject… lot of great projects were killed by similar activity. one party doesn’t have interest to maintain project anymore, second party sees some benefits from ownership… It ussually changes a perspective of why and how project is maintained.
It must not turn into catastrophe. But I don’t get your enthusiasm.

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I also have VPN on my pi, but being able to reach my home assistant dashboards from everywhere, without having to set up vpn is worth something. Sometimes I use other peoples hardware (like work computer), where I can not just configure a VPN to home.

Also Google assistant is quite easy to set up through Nabu casa. So easy actually, that we just run all our stuff from HA to Google assistant, instead of connecting the dedicated apps like hue, trådfri etc. Gives a one-place to configure and enable/disable stuff that we want to control with voice.

But most importantly, it’s also a way to better the odds of the main brain in our home automation keeps being developed and maintained.

Hells to the YES! Very good news for Home Assistant and I hope the cooperation will only get better and better! Great job Nabu Casa.

No, if I do my best you’ll can’t contradict me :wink:
It is a good thing in a project to predict the bad things that could happened. It allows to avoid them :wink:

I would like more transparency on this word “acquire”. But…

Nabu Casa has paid to aquire ESPHome ? It’s not fair for the community of not being able to know.

If Nabu Casa ACQUIRE ESPHome with money (the word is important) it is to make a profit, sooner or later, in one way or another.
Either it will pay off, or they will find another way to monetize and thus make their investment profitable. I hope it’s not the case but I have the right to want to be reassured on this point because I am not the only one to ask myself the question.


It’s not a public company and you have no skin in the game so theres that…