HI all,
I have Nabu Casa and my questio is if it is possible to configure “local only” user beside of it.
My problem:
I have access from outside but person 2 should only be able to use the mobile app (iOS) if connected to the local wifi. If you have the ceckbox active at the user account (just local access) the mobile doesn´t care and tries to login through nabu casa all the time.
This causes a lot of errors in the log and logs the user out of the app everytime he left the wireless network what is very annoying because push notifications stop as well.
This was not the case before we subscribed to nabu casa.
I also treid to disable the Home Assistant cloud option in the app or to delete the external URL in the configuration but after the next local connection the Home Assistant cloud option is active again.
Is there something I can do?
Thanks for your help.
My problem began when I had to reset my modem/router back to the factory settings and couldn’t access HA (was finally able to do this by logging in normally thru the 192.168.1.x:8123 - the complete 192.168.1.x details can be found on your router’s config page of the HA hub’s IP). While this allowed me to log onto HA, the Nabu Casa URL failed.
Hopefully you have already solved the problem, but here is what I discovered:
On my phone
I logged out of my Wi-Fi and logged into the HA by choosing the Nabu Casa URL and logged in normally from there. I re-enabled my phone’s wi-fi, and connection was successful. You may have to repeat this step with all of the devices that you use to log into HA on your local network through the Nabu Casa URL. Do note that it’s also possible that you may need to temporarily remove IP Ban from your config and restart HA to log onto your devices again for the “first time.” Be sure to re-enable the ban and restart HA after you have finished!
On my PC
I had to switch to the 2.4G network through wifi (had to disable the Ethernet side of things through “Network Connections”
Once I was on the 2.4G Wi-Fi network, I was able to log into my Nabu Casa Remote instance on my PC. Next, while remaining logged into HA through my PC, I re-enabled my Ethernet connection and disabled my Wi-Fi (thus putting me back onto what my modem considers is 5G wired network. I reloaded my Nabu Casa Remote instance of HA on my PC and success.
To ensure that this wasn’t some weird fluke, I logged out of HA on my PC and back on again and it connected to my Nabu Casa URL. The Nabu Casa instance now works on other PCs on my network.
Hopefully the two above tips have helped someone out that ran into a similar problem.