Nabu Casa not connecting today?

Getting “Unable to connect to Home Assistant” from the Android app. “Refresh External URL” not working either.

Went to my Nabu Casa account page, clicked “connect”, no success.

My HA installation works fine locally; my Nabu Casa account is current.

So, no remote access for me. What’s the drill? What do I try next?

Send an email to their support contact.

For whenever you’re wondering if it’s just you or if it’s a system wide issue.

Cloud is listed under services.

I restarted HA (actually installed the latest update) and the connection was restored.

Obviously, I couldn’t have fixed this remotely through NC. And I have no clue what was wrong. So I’m hoping this remote access becomes more robust in the future.

I’ve noticed recently (in the last few weeks?) that my remote connection has been getting turned off occasionally even though the connection should be retained thru restarts, etc.

I’ve had to go in and turn the toggle back on manually several times.