Nabu Casa : Services to enable / disable GoogleHome and Alexa integrations

Hello !


New services that will drive the two red toggle on the bellow screenshot.
just like the existing services cloud/remote_connect and cloud/remote_disconnect that are already driving the green toggle.


I’ll start by quoting one part of the Conf page of Nabu Casa

As a Home Assistant user, you might like to automate things. We understand! The cloud component exposes two service to enable and disable the remote connection: cloud/remote_connect and cloud/remote_disconnect . That way you can turn on the remote connection only when you leave the house and need it.

I think it’s super great to have such features.
It’s clearly geared towards security and I like to see a “Security by design” platform when it comes to managing my home.

With a simple automation, you can make sure you are exposing your home to the internet only when you when you need it.


However I am missing something:

I use Google Home integration with a Google Nest Mini at home.
I don’t like knowing that my Google Nest Home is still connected to Home Assistant when I leave my home.

One could technically shoot


next to my home and … well, open my blinds.

I solved that issue with a workaround: A smart plug that turns off my Nest Mini automatically when I leave home.

But this means that you need to have a smart plug lying around in order to secure such integration.

Feature request

New services such as

So that everyone can automate Google Home and Alexa and make sure its only connected when you are at home.

Thx for your time.

I’ve added controls as switches to this custom integration: