Nabu Casa with local url?

I used to run HASS with a local url as in http://192.168.1.X.

I now run using a Nabu Casa url but no longer have an internal url to access HASS. I’ve read countless posts on this but none pointing me to what I’m looking for.

If I want to use an internal url if my internet is down, what is the simplest method to accomplish?

An internal DNS server like DNSMasq that houses the dns entry for local use?

Who uses Nabu Casa that has accomplished this?

Same as before, http://ip:8123

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I cannot load by the ip anymore. It goes no where.

Dont forget the port number 8123!

My config

    ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
    ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
    login_attempts_threshold: 5
    ip_ban_enabled: true

  #customize: !include customize.yaml
  external_url: does not work

maybe your ip address is not then.

So here’s what happens. If I try https://ip then it takes me to HA but complains that the cert does ot match because the SSL cert is for a duckdns name I setup. Do I need to remove that?

as soon you add https to your config your system is only available via https.
You can ignore the cert error message in your browser if you use
If you still want to use the internal url in the ios App you might have to set up a proxy server like Ngnix

So here’s what I did and it worked. I removed the ssl keys from the config file. I can now access ip over http and still access remote via nabu casa.

Yes, there is no need for ssl keys if you use nabu casa

ah sorry. ignore my answer
I’m not using nabu casa