Name of triggers

I converted from openhab to Home assistant and I’m trying to redo my old automations. I have problems finding the names of different triggers, how would I find the name of e.g. xiaomi hub connected devices triggers?
Is there a place where I can find all these names or do I find these in the compoment documentation?
In openhab one could see in in the component (in paper IU), but I can’t seem to find a plece like this in Home assistant.

Do you mean all the bulbs, switches, sensors and stuff you’ve got set up? If that’s what you mean, take a look at the States panel in the bottom left:

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This will show you the entity_id as well as the current state and any other attributes that are available for the device.

I have a e.g. xiaomi buttom that has 3 triggers: single click, double click and long click. but I can’t see these in the state panel:

Also how do I see then the buttom is pressed, I can’t see it in the (web)log

See if it’s listed under switches or sensors; binary sensors, by their very nature will only show two states.

okay, but the switch should be able to start 4 different triggers, i can’t see the names of them:

is it configured incorrect?

Sorry I found the answer:

  • alias: Monitor button
    platform: event
    event_type: click
    button_name: 1xxxxxxxxxxd_switch
    click_type: single

How can I see what event that has been trickered?
Thanks for all you help!

i’m using tail with

tail -f /home/<yourhassuser>/.homeassistant/home-assistant.log

and the logger: component set to debug

  default: debug

for xiaomi gateway event types i had to consult the github documentation

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