Naming of MQTT input switch?


I have wired two PIR sensors on an ESP8266 running ESPEasy. I see correctly their status in ESP and so I added these two input switches in my config file of HA:

- platform: mqtt
state_topic: '/esp/PIR_1/Switch'
name: 'PIR 1 SDB'
  • platform: mqtt
    state_topic: ‘/esp/PIR_2/Switch’
    name: ‘PIR 2 SDB’

But in my web interface they just appear as MQTT Sensor and not with nice name I chose in config file ! Is there something missing somewhere ??



edit your customize.yaml or the customize: section (which ever you use) and for each sensor add an entry

    friendly_name: Name to Display
    icon: mdi:icon of your choosing

when you are setting up your sensors

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: '/esp/PIR_1/Switch'
  name: 'PIR 1 SDB'

it just tells ha that this particular sensor will be called sensor.pir_1_sdb

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I have the below code and it woks fine. I only used the costomize section to change the icon.

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "smartthings/solar/net"
  name: "Energy Net"
  unit_of_measurement: "W"
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