Hey guys, I have a nanoleaf and it’s configured as a ‘light’ entity. It comes with all these bells and whistle in the Overview screen that you can change. Problem is they show up as a pop up dialog and not directly on the main screen. I want to extract all these out as individual elements so I can have it visible in my lovelace UI without having them pop out as pop up box. Any idea?
Also in my list of services I only have light.toggle, light.turn_off and light.turn_on. Not sure how to go about changing all the other properties/attributes?
Would love to get as far as you have.
I’m getting the error:
File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/light/nanoleaf_aurora.py", line 107, in brightness
return int(self._brightness * 2.55)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'dict' and 'float'
I’m sorry I have no clue. I’m fairly new to home assistant myself. Maybe make a separate thread and ask your question with more details and hopefully someone more knowledgeable might be able to help?
I’ve resolved my issue by unwrapping the value from the collection, had to do it a few times in the nanoleaf_aurora.py and __init__.py files, all similar to this:
In reading the code mode, it has become clear that the file is suited to the Aurora and is very close to supporting the Canvas, which is what I have. So my edits are only a hack until official Canvas component is made available.