I’ve been keeping an eye on the Nanoleaf range, this remote might tempt me to jump aboard!
I’ve been keeping an eye on the Nanoleaf range, this remote might tempt me to jump aboard!
I jumped with the intention of integrating the remote with home assistant. I haven’t delved into the mechanics of how it works since the app integration does a pretty good job of that, but the only way I see to integrate with the remote is through the nanoleaf app.
That said I have an integration of sorts by creating automatons which are triggered when the nanoleaf is set via the remote, to good effect.
value_template: '{{ states.light.aurora.attributes.effect }}'
icon_template: mdi:rainbow
friendly_name: 'Current Nanoleaf Effect'
Then set an automation to trigger when a specific effect is called.
- alias: 'Light Therapy Lava Lamp On'
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.nanoleaf_living_room
to: "Northern Lights"
- condition: state
entity_id: switch.lava_lamp_switch
state: 'off'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.lava_lamp_switch
I suppose you could create nanoleaf blank scenes (create them with no lights) to trigger effects without involving the actual Aurora.
Im a noob about programming. But I saw that Nanoleaf remote is shown as bluetooth device. When you do a scan on hci0. Maybe someone can investigate this, when you can read this device, maybe you can grab the numbers or something from a code and use it in your automation
With today’ update of Home assistant you can see the remote s homekit remote.
But i get this error after
connection failed: Multiple Services with this UUID, refer to your desired service by the handle
after a reset i got the return of my battery on the remote, the identify buton and a simple button. It seems we need a “driver” to use all the position for now