Nanoleaf Weather

I have an 22 panal Nanoleaf light array on the wall for a while now which looks fantastic. So a few months ago I thought I’d automate the colour sequence depending on the weather. Took me countless hours of frustrating templating to get going, but its works fab now.

Its prob nothing that amazing for many peeps here, but I’m sharing this because I love it and it took soooo long.


- alias: Change Nanoleaf on sun or weather change
  initial_state: true
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sun.sun
  - platform: state
    entity_id: weather.met_office_moor_allerton
  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.nanoleaf_aurora_52_4b_ff_local
    to: 'on'
    condition: and
    - condition: state
      entity_id: light.nanoleaf_aurora_52_4b_ff_local
      state: 'on'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state }}'
  - service: homeassistant.turn_on
    entity_id: script.changenanoleafcolour

      - service: logbook.log
          name: "Script Triggered"
          message: Change Nanoleaf Colour
      - service: homeassistant.turn_on
          entity_id: light.nanoleaf_aurora_52_4b_ff_local
          effect: >
                {% if is_state("sun.sun", "above_horizon") %}
                  {% if is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "cloudy") %} Sunlight through trees
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "fog") %} East coast breeze
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "hail") %} Snowfall
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "lightning") %} Lightning
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "lightning-rainy") %} Lightning
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "partlycloudy") %} Sunlight through trees
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "pouring") %} Rain
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "rainy") %} Rain
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "snowy") %} Snowfall
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "snowy-rainy") %} Snowfall
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "sunny") %} Sunlight through trees
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "windy") %} Windy
                  {% endif %}
                {% elif is_state("sun.sun", "below_horizon") %}
                  {% if is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "cloudy") %} Pumpkin Spice
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "fog") %} East coast breeze
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "hail") %} Snowfall
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "lightning") %} Lightning
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "lightning-rainy") %} Lightning
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "partlycloudy") %} Pumpkin Spice
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "pouring") %} Rain
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "rainy") %} Rain
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "snowy") %} Snowfall
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "snowy-rainy") %} Snowfall
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "sunny") %} Pumpkin Spice
                  {% elif is_state("weather.met_office_moor_allerton", "windy") %} Windy
                  {% endif %}
                {% endif %}


Looks nice… Im using my Nanoleafs within scenes :slight_smile: this automations looks really nice!

Can you please share some photos?