National Weather Service Hourly Data is VERY Intermittent in Updating

Is anyone else having this issue? I ONLY use the hourly data and it’s all over the place of when it lasts updates, whereas I believe the ‘twice daily’ appears to keep up. Been anywhere from a few hours old to days old hourly data. Anecdotally, it seemed to start with the Core update that added the new approach to handling weather forecasts (2023.9 I believe?). Gave it a few weeks to see if any issues cropped up on GitHub (as well as the incremental core updates) but I’m seeing nothing. If I force a refresh of the integration, the forecast becomes current again.

The problem is with the NWS servers, they stop communicating all throughout the day. No rhythm or reason, then they start back up. I have not had to restart the integration.

I saw the issue about the API change but it seemed super-vague so I had no idea it was related. Hopefully they’ll release an update with this fix soon…