Navigate widget - active/inactive icon and style

In the docs for HADasboard, in the section for the widget “navigate” there are style arguments mentioned. Under what condition or when will the widget change from active to inactive?

Reason behind this is that I would like to change my menu item based on the status of a group of entities.

So I have a dash with lights and a menu item that refers to that dash, I can change the navigate widget based on the status of the group of lights.

    widget_type: navigate
    title: Licht
    dashboard: lights
    icon_active: mdi-lightbulb-on
    icon_inactive: mdi-lightbulb-outline
    icon_active_style: "color: $yellow" 
    icon_inactive_style: "color: $grey" 
        timeout: 30
        return: Main    

Hope this makes sense,



just to make more clear what I am asking:

I have an icon in the top bar (“lichten aan”) that changes to yellow when there is at least 1 light on.
In the bottom menu bar I have a navigate button (“licht”) that I would like to change color when there is at least 1 light on. Selecting that button takes me to the dash where i can see which light is on.

What i would like to have is that the bottom menu button is showing the status of my lights so that i can remove the icon in the top bar.

