Navigation path in overview top menu


I’m trying to create an icon in the top view “overview” with navigation path to a different dashboard url. Is it possible to change directory in the url path?

This works fine if you use picture elements and navigation_path.

Yes, absolutely. The navigation_path just needs the extra bit of info:

navigation_path: /new_dash/new_view

Unfortunately I can’t get it to work.This is yaml from RAW-editor:

  • title: NEXT PAGE
    icon: mdi:chevron-double-right
    path: lenovo-touchpanel-2/

When I press the button, I get this path:

I need to remove the first directory.

Sorry for bad explanation, English is not my native language.

Thank you

Agh, sorry, I misunderstood,

You are referring to the path at the top of the view, not a tap_action navigation path. Please ignore my comments above.

Your path should only be the view part of the path. The dashboard part is fixed by the fact the view is already in a dashboard.

I think you got me right now:)
Added a picture for better explanation. I try to get the button at the top to navigate to the url on the left side. It may not be possible to achieve?

I don’t that’s possible.