I have an Neato Botvac D5 Connected and I am using the official Neato Integration.
Everything was working fine till last week except of some errors every few hours which where telling me that there were some timeouts every few hours.
Last week the Integration stopped working and was showing me the following error:
2021-10-03 15:00:44 WARNING (SyncWorker_4) [pybotvac.robot] Invalid response from https://nucleo.neatocloud.com/vendors/neato/robots/xxx-xxx/messages: required key not provided @ data[‘state’]. Got: {‘version’: 1, ‘reqId’: ‘1’, ‘result’: ‘ko’, ‘data’: {}}
2021-10-03 15:00:44 WARNING (SyncWorker_4) [pybotvac.account] Your robot Nemo is unsupported.
I deleted the Integration, deleted the App in the Neato Developer Account, created a new App with new ID and Secret, did a server restart, added the new ID and secret in the configuration.yaml, server restart, reinstalled the Neato integration, followed the install process and authorized the integration in the neato account. The integration was successfully installed but showd no device or entity. The error shown in the logs is the same as above…
Cant get it to work anymore…
Any ideas on this?