Nederlandse spoorwegen integration does not work anymore

Hi, since HA 2023.4 I am experiencing problems with the nederlandse_spoorwegen integration.
My config has not changed but the sensors I have created are not visible in the all sensors and I can not configure them anymore. So I have no more train information.
Anyone experiencing the same issue and has a solution?

Did you check your logs for errors related to this?

no errors here and all sensors are alive:

I even deleted the filter on homeassistant.components.sensor: in the logger which was required before to filter all warnings:

#    - Updating nederlandse_spoorwegen sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30

#    - 'nederlandse_spoorwegen: Error on device update!'
#    - "'TripStop' object has no attribute 'planned_platform'"

Sensors are not found so there is no logging available.

This is my setup in the configuration.yaml

# Nederlandse Spoorwegen
- platform: nederlandse_spoorwegen
  api_key: xxx
    - name: dronten-amsterdam-ns
      from: Dron
      to: Asd
    - name: amsterdam-dronten-ns
      from: Asd
      to: Dron

And I am not able to select sensor.donten_amsterdam_ns for instance

wasnt there a change in their api? I seem to recall we had to re-subscribe because of that?

Not the logbook. Your system error log.

Settings → System → Logs.

No, no errors there. If I search for dronten_amsterdam_ns I find nothing.

but if you have that yaml configuration, and the setup does not work, there should be some logging of that in home-assistant.log
not even on the specific entity/sensor. but for the integration setup as a whole
(got to run as I write this, pick up my daughter for NS Roosendaal station… sorry, be back)

It is working again. Don’t know if another configured sensor was the issue but I removed that sensor from the configuration.yaml

glad you got it solved, but, I suppose you can imagine this solution is not much help to the community like that :wink:

what ‘other configured sensor’ did you have, and how did removing that fix the issue?

If you ask me, this reads as a yaml error in one of your config files (can happen), but, in that case, deleting another sensor was not the solution, fixing the Yaml was.

would appreciate if you could elaborate a bit on that, if only for the community to find your solution helpful.

I agree,
That was a custom sensor I picked up in the community for testing with teamtracker integration. That sensor was not working to my satisfaction (or maybe not at all) so since it was of no use I removed it. It might be that despite I did not get any configuration errors in the testing of the yaml files, it was not properly configured.