Need a button to hide devices on the dashboard

I know I can delete the devices altogether, but I have some that are a work-in-progress and with 25 devices (and growing) , sometimes it would be nice to hide them temporarily.

Are you using the auto-generated dashboard or are you choosing to manage Lovelace yourself? Sounds like you are using auto-gen because with LL you have to add entities to cards as you want.
For auto-gen dashboard from memory maybe all you can do is disable the entity. No need to delete it I think.
If you are using LL then there are some custom cards or there that display entities dynamically based on some criteria.

I’ve what you are looking for by setting a conditional card , triggered by a template button that once I turn on, it shows several cards, and hide them once turn off.

  - type: conditional
      - entity: input_boolean.afon_spk
        state: 'on'
      type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.afonso_clock

My mistake. I thought I was posting this question specifically in the EspHome section.

I requested filtering a couple of years back, never got implemented.
You are best creating a request in the feature request section of esphome: