Hi guys, I’m quite new to HASS and I’ve started building up my setup very recently.
I’ve few smart bulbs and a Xiaomi camera. The camera is quite useless as far as integration with HA is concerned, as in it can’t stream video to HA. However it has an entity called sensor.mi_xxxxxx_message with a few attributes that change whenever a person is detected or motion is detected.
So I was trying to exploit this entity to automate my light, so that I can turn on the light when a person is detected. I tried setting up an automation with the trigger as “state” and entity as “sensor.mi_xxx_mesaage”. There a re several attributes, however the one I’m interested in the one called “Title” because that is the one that gets changed whenever a motion or person is detected. So I could use this as trigger but…
There’s one problem. I could set the “To” field to “Person detected” to trigger the automation. However the title is prefixed by the time always. That is, the title changes to “10:49 Person detected!” How can I possibly test for the field to be a text that changes every time but ends with “person detected” ??
Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks!!