Hi all,
I need some advice moving over from a GEn5 aetotec stick to a zooz 800 GPIO board.
I have 100 nodes or so, all 500 series based.
My network has been terrible recently and has got worse over time.
I dont want to migrate over, i want to take this opportunity to have a device clearup, this z-wave network has been going for 6 years or more and it needs tidying up.
Can anyone offer any personal adivce on what to do with this massive task ahead of me?
What my plan is, is to go round with the GEN5 stick, use my list i have of all nodes and go round and unpair them using the GEN5 button.
Once thats done, remove z-wave JS and other z-wave related devices/services/add-ons, shutdown HA, install GPIO board into Yellow, then reboot, all fresh, then go round re-including.
I have Fibaro dimmers in each room, so i will start with those first as that should give the network a good backbone of mesh as i start including other lower powered/difficult to reach nodes.
Any advice would be appreiated based on your experiences.
I did something similar on a much smaller network. I installed the new controller in parallel with the existing one. I ran one in the standard zwavejs and the other on zwavejs ui. For some reason you can’t have 2 instances of either of the addons but you can run one of each. I prefer to run the ui version so in my case I shifted the existing controller to the standard addon before starting but you don’t need to do that. What having the addons running together meant that I could do the rebuild at my own pace with the house running normally all the while except when I was actually dealing with a specific device.
If your gen5 stick is on the recent firmware, you should be able to take an NVM backup and restore it to the GPIO module. This will move everything over. If it doesn’t work it’s easy to revert to the old stick.
I’d be surprised if the migration fixes your performance issues. You may do a lot of work just to end up where you already are. I’d try to identify what is causing the perf issues - the most likely cause is devices reporting too much data too often - or a lame device - or and issue with HA (not enough RAM, custom components blocking the event loop). As all those issue will still exist on the new stick.