Need advise on Maker/Webhook to HA(running telnet script) to Local Device TCP/IP And reverse of this

We plan on using a applet on IFTTT with Google Assistant/Webhook to send a command in the BODY field of the Webhook to a Python script within the Pi3. (not installed yet) that we are hoping will send to local device on the network via TCP/IP.
The device will reply with a code that we want the Python Telnet script to send back to the IFTTT account to allow our Google Home device to announce the status of the initial command.
I’ve seen where there are some Python scripts that will allow the send/receive using TCP/IP into a device but we are not sure if this has been done before like I’m describing.
Suggestions for a Python Telnet script that will work for us?
The data being sent would be text such as (btn 486) etc,…