Need assistance with my first automation

Hello to HA community.
I successfully added my Brother printer to the Home Assistant (2023.8.3, Frontend 20230802.1). Now I’m trying to add the first automation – send me a notification when black toner is running low. The YAML configuration made by a frontend looks like this:

description: "Low toner in Brother printer"
alias: "Low toner"
mode: single
  - type: value
    platform: device
    device_id: dc205ed44eae4289d7a6b0c8938984d2
    entity_id: b6c1f550e45e15a4e8cde3672913ea5c
    domain: sensor
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.hl_1210w_black_toner_remaining
    below: 10
    above: 0
  - service: notify.notify
      message: Running out of black toner in your Brother.
      title: Brother in need!

When trying to save this automation, I get a “Message malformed: must contain at least one of below, above.” error message. The text is a little confusing to me. My YAML contains “above” and “below” parameters in the “condition” section. Where could be a problem, please?

Be aware that you might want to change the actual service to whatever service you are actually using since notify.notify is shorthand for the first notify service the system can find and might therefore not be working as intended.

Also you do not need the “above” condition I guess.

Also you should trigger when the ink level goes below 10, not trigger every time it changes then check the condition if below 10.

description: "Low toner in Brother printer"
alias: "Low toner"
mode: single
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.... # check Developer Tools States for the actual entity_id. 
    below: 10
  - service: notify.etc...

And don’t use device triggers.

Thank you all for your helpful responses. I fixed YAML based on @tom_l example and removed device_id. Everything works now!