Need: frontend card für sunshield

Hi folks!

I’m looking for a frontend card for a awning.
By now I use the shutter-card

The problem I have is, that I cant swap the direction-arrows in the card.
I need this because the awning is opened, when it is fully extended.
In the configurarion of the device (shelly2.5) I’ve allready swapped the directions, so the display shows a closed roller-shutter when the awning ist fully extended.
Unfortunately I have to press the “down”-arrow to give the close-command an this is confusing to me.

So my question is:
Is there a card for awnings or am I able to swap the arrows in the card?


Hi @Baujahr70
Have you been able to find a proper sunshield card?
Baujahr72 :wink:

unfortunately not

alright - thanks anyway for your quick response!

Same issue here, looking forward to any creative solutions.

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