Need Help about configuration RFXTRX

Hello everybody I am new on home assistant and my english is little poor (I am french), so I will do my best.
It is several days that I try to install, and configure my RFX sensors (switches, temperature and so on).
I have read a lot of topics and have sawn videos (and the offical documentation which is not very enough for me) but nothing is working.

So I would like to persist with Home Assistant (I become Jeedom).
Is there someone who will have a really precise topic about RFXcom ?

Thank you very much and have a nice day


Can you maybe share more info on the sensors you’re trying to use?
Can you also confirm which RF Hub you’re using?
Ideally share the part of your config where you defined the RFX connection…

First thank you very much for your hand.
I have different kind of sensors. The first one I try to reach is Chacon Ref 54661. When I was on Jeedom project it was working perfectly. I have the ID to switch ON : 0A14110100306402010070 and also to switch off : 0A14110200306402000070. So I directy tried to insert that in the yaml config but… nothing. So I tried the auto discovering by reading different tuto but…nothing.

I use a RFXTRX 433e witch I have flash few monthes ago.

Here is my last config I tried a lot of things (also :device: /dev/ttyUSB0) and I think it is the good port (the same that Jeedom) That 's why there is a lot of #

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
#switchs: !include switch.yaml

automatic_add: true
device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12D8VWI-if00-port0

#platform: rfxtrx
# name: test1

packages: !include_dir_named packages

Have a nice evening

can you format your config ?
Select the code and use the </> to mark it as code.
This will make it much easier to help
Also please confirm your HA setup (docker container, core, homeassistant (aka etc

Tell me if it is better
And Sorry I don’t understand what you mean by " Also please confirm your HA setup (docker container, core, homeassistant (aka etc"

< / >

Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)


Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
#switchs: !include switch.yaml

automatic_add: true
device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12D8VWI-if00-port0

#platform: rfxtrx
# name: test1

packages: !include_dir_named packages

no the formatting is still off.
Once you pasted your code, select/highlight it, then click on the </> icon/button in the text editor

How and on what did you install Home Assistant?

There has been a massive breaking change to the rfxtrx integration with version 0.113, which caused all kinds of problems for many people, basically breaking everybody’s configuration. That is probably the reason why most tutorials or older forum posts you may find about this subject won’t work anymore. The documentation about the ‘new’ rfxtrx integration is also far from good, but apparently they’re working on improving this.

Your config, at least the commented part, looks like it still uses the old integration settings.

Can you describe your problem in some more detail ? What exactly is not working, any error messages in the log, what did you already try, etc.

Et pas de soucis pour l’Anglais, il est très bien, t’inquiétes :wink:

So let me one or two days before I reply you because of my job and I would like giving you maximum ok precisions.
Have a nice day

yes I have read that. It’s the reason why I firstly observe de parution date of the topics about this subject. For me the official documentation is not enough prcise for beginer.
Like the other post I will take my time to reply you because I would like giving you a precise reply.

Ouf ça va alors si mon anglais est decodable…Merci en tout cas pour ton aide. Je ne vais pas polluer le forum, si je n’y arrive pas je resterai sur Jeedom malgré les instabilités que je constate.

Have a nice day

Heh j’ai vu bien pire au niveau Anglais ici :grin:

Don’t give up yet. I think your problem is just a config thing and I’m sure we can help you get it up and running. I have an RFXCom with lots of Chacons and Oregon Scientific stuff and it’s extremely stable and reliable.

That ‘update’ that came with 0.113, even if it might have been technically necessary, was a terrible mess and very poorly executed. You’re not the only one who had problems getting things running again. The fact that the rfxtrx integration documentation is a huge mess doesn’t help either. But they’re working on it. And once you get around setting the RFXcom up with HA, things are very smooth. The integration itself works perfectly.

Post some details and your (readable :wink:) configuration and we’ll do our best to help you.

if it helps, have a look at my config file:

I then renamed my RFX devices to something easier to recognise then their ID (hence the comments in the config to keep tracking)
I can’t be sure until you format your config correctly but it looks as though you’re almost there…

Well, the OPs unformatted config is kinda readable. So I think if the commented out device ID / event code is a valid one, the config entries for him would look something like this

  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12D8VWI-if00-port0
  automatic_add: true

The rest should now be available from the UI.

Ok I understand now.
I have installed HA on a SD card in a raspberry Pi 3 model B. For HA I went on the getting started page : and I followed the hole description.
All was All right. I installed HACS. In the config dashboard I can see in the integration of the RFXcomTRX, I see “9 appareils” and “35 entités”. But I don’t know how and when it’s apeared.
And I followed (not the full list) :
-Problem adding RFXtrx device
-RFXtrx, add rfxtrx sensor
- (the best for me)

As I didn’t understand how to do appearing a switch button on the frontend of lovelace I followed this video :

But nothing work.

Here is my “little” config yaml:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
#switchs: !include switch.yaml

  automatic_add: true
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12D8VWI-if00-port0

  #platform: rfxtrx
     # name: test1
  packages: !include_dir_named packages

I think # is to comment a line so I tried it out.

Thank you for your code I tried it but after I don’t know what to do. I verify the configuration, I restart the “serveur” but that all.

Here is the code :

  automatic_add: true
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-RFXCOM_RFXtrx433_A12D8VWI-if00-port0
    # Binary Sensors
      #name: Garage Back Door
      device_class: door

Hey I am in progress.
When I go in developpement tool, in service menu, when I select rfxtrx.send and
in line 1:
event : 0A14110200306402000070

it’s switch on the plug.

So I think I don’t understand how to make a connection between the config.yaml file and lovelace…

Another progress.

In configuration menu, “appareils”, I found a device named Kangtai 003064:2.
When I klick on it I view 3 things and one is a switch when I click on it it toogle my plug.
So I can put it in Lovlace UI.
I don’t understand why the name between config.yaml and the device is not similar.
That is working but I don’t know why…

Good news you now know how to mark your config as code :slight_smile:
Each device has an ID
That said there is also other info sent by each device and this additional info is used by the RFX integration to help the user identify each device.
Devices that are automatically discovered do not need to be manually added.
You can change the name of each device to something more meaningful to help you.

In my example, 0A14110100306402010070 is the ID of my garage back door sensor (hence the comment in my config. Comments indeed start with # and are ignored by the system)

0A14110100306402010070 means nothing to me so I renamed it. In the RFX Integration, I located the id and then clicked on it. Then I clicked on the cogwheel (top right) to rename the device to Garage Back Door)
I then manually also edited each entity and replaced the id with a lower snake_case version of Garage Back Door:

Hope this helps

Thank you very much for your hand.
Thanks to you I don’t abort this project.
So I will try to include the others.

A last question (for the moment :slight_smile:) what is the best source for me to understand the wole system of HA (particulary le yaml language)…

In french :

merci beaucoup pour votre aide elle m’a été précieuse.
Comme je débute juste sur HA je ne doute pas de revenir vers vous.

Encore merci …

trial and error is the best way, as well as copy paste from others. There are plenty examples on this community. Have fun :slight_smile: