Need help Connecting my HA to the Internet

Your router is not a modem, afaict, so you have an ISP box connecting you to the internet, right?
Did you enable port forwarding there (or any setting actually allowing your router to be reached from Internet)

Normally 2nd should be router, 3rd should be public ip

I have not checked my ISP modem. Wait if I am to enable port forwarding on my ISP’s modem, then I will have to port forward to my router’s IP address, right…? My router can reach the internet as I am using it right now. Lemme check the ISP’s modem.

But the 3rd one is not my public IP


You can go out, but it cannot be reached from the outside, obviously.

In tracert the 1st ip was of my router, 2nd I don’t know & the 3rd wasn’t my public ip

I suspect you are ‘double NAT’ing….

LAN → router → isp modem → internet

in that case you need to forward twice…

(and 4th IP should be public…and it should be in the tracert always)

Similarly, he should double-port-forward.

I contacted my ISP & they told me that the modem that they installed at my home is a plain ONU & doesn’t have any option for Port Forwarding.
BTW the 4th IP in tracert doesn’t match with my public IP addr; in fact none of them match with my public IP. The weird thing is I can’t seem to access my ISP’s modem; I accessed it previously. But now I can’t access it anymore.

Got access to my ISP’s modem, there was an option for port forwarding which was unticked. I ticked it & tried to edit them. But there was one option because of which I was unable to save the changes. There was an option to chose the WAN connection from the drop down. But there was no option under that drop down. I will talk to my ISP tomorrow regarding this.

Then apparently your public IP is not your public IP….
This happens quite often. as there is a shortage of IP4 numbers globally…

Do you happen to be in the special range to with a or /10 network mask; this subnet is recommended according to rfc6598 for use as an address pool for CGN (Carrier-Grade NAT)

If so, you will not be able to forward on IP4.
But maybe your ISP support’s IPv6 ?
Plenty addresses on IPv6 and HA also supports it :yum:

Yes public IP is in the range of
But my ISP informed me that they are not using a CGNAT
BTW in findmyip it says IPv6 not detected
Will ask my ISP regarding this.

is not in the special range to (CGNat)
But something fishy is going on if your public IP doesn’t show up in Tracert :thinking:

Will ask the ISP tomorrow about this. Actually I am hesistent to spend money on Nobu Casa because I am having some issues with my HA. Randomly my HA does goes offline. The only way to get HA up & running is to power off my Ri & power it on again. I tried finding logs, but I was unable to find them. So I didn’t wanna spend money on something that is not sufficiently reliable yet.

No issues with HA stability here (running on HyperV hosted on W10)
I have never seen it stop, however i do update it regularly, so it gets restarted once/twice a month. But I am pretty sure it would run for months if i wouldn’t update it :yum:

Maybe my Pi is the issue. Actually I wanted to run HA on a very low power device & Pi was the perfect option. I still can’t figure out why it stops working randomly. Do you have insight?

Does it completely freeze, or still respond to ping?
If pingable…does SSH still work?
If so, you can still check the logs…

I already had an old laptop running (plex and some other software) so added HyperV

It completely freezes. It doesn’t respond to ping.
No, ssh doesn’t work.
Can you please tell me where the logs are. I mean when it freezes I can’t use ssh to access it. But in which location is the log saved. I mean if I can see the log, I might be able to find something or at the very list if I don’t understand it then I can post it here.
Still nothing can beat the efficieny and low power of a Pi.

I think you should start another topic for that…
it also depends what kind of install you have…

Have you searched this forum?

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There are many topics regarding this. And there are many proposed solutions. But most solutions are pretty generic. But after this topic concludes, I will try to find out what the issue is. BTW I talked to my ISP regarding what we discussed yesterday; these are the things they told me:

  1. I told them about them about my public ip not matching with my tracert. They told me that my public ip is a “NATing IP” & it will not show because it is “DNATting” always. They told me that purchasing a static IP “might” solve this issue.
  2. I asked them about the modem having port forwarding option. But they told me that the modem is a simple ONU that connects the fiber to the internet. And its port forwarding option is only for trasnport link.
  3. They also confirmed that they are not using IPv6.
  4. BTW when they told me that the dynamic IP or “NATting IP” is not showing up in tracert. They told me that is routed to google peering. I couldn’t understand this. Can someone please explain?

I have a small question. Does anyone know how to check if my router; the first IP in tracert, has the port 8123 open or not. Because if I can confirm that my router’s port 8123 is open then I show them this as a proof that I have port forwarded from my router & now they need to help me port forward from their modem. As the port forwarding option on their modem is not configurable; they must need to allow port forwarding from their end. So does anyone know how to locally check if a router’s specific port is open or not without using internet?