Need help define a template

Hello i want so set a template (sensor?) to set a value.
Backround are five Switches to measure the fuel level of a water tank.

Here we go

switch 1 off Water Level 0 %
switch 2 on Water Level 25 %
switch 3 on Water Level 50 %
switch 4 on Water Level 75 %
switch 5 on Watter Level 100 %

How can i set the Percent to the Entity sensor.Waterlevel ?

did I need a Lambda ?

Thank for your Help and greetings from Germany

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Water tank level
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('switch.switch5' , 'on' ) %} 100
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch4' , 'on' ) %} 75
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch3' , 'on' ) %} 50
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch2' , 'on' ) %} 25
          {% else %} 0 {% endif %}
        unit_of_measurement: "%"

Or you could use a text based sensor (no graphing) for a little more information:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Water tank level
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('switch.switch5' , 'on' ) %} 100%
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch4' , 'on' ) %} 75-99%
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch3' , 'on' ) %} 50-74%
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch2' , 'on' ) %} 25-49%
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch1' , 'on' ) %} 1-24%
          {% else %} 0% {% endif %}

Also what are you doing putting fuel in your water tank?

Thanks for all sugestions

but whats about the lowest level switch ?
In this example the sensor become state 0 % on real 24 %

Better way ?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Water tank level
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state('switch.switch5' , 'on' ) %} 100
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch4' , 'on' ) %} 75
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch3' , 'on' ) %} 50
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch2' , 'on' ) %} 25
          {% elif is_state('switch.switch1' , 'off' ) %} 0
          {% endif %}
          unit_of_measurement: "%"

I have two 1000 Litre IBC Tanks in my garden and collect Rain Water
First i measured it with ultrasonic Sensors but there was too unstable
No i try the mechanical way with this reed sensors:


Sorry, that’s because I did a load of awkward phone screen copy and paste and didn’t really think about the logic :slightly_smiling_face:


What happens when switch 2 turns off leaving only switch 1 on?

Your template has no case for this and generates an error / unknown state.

The correct way to cover this is shown in my example.

Your set up is not good enough for a continuous sensor.

i agree tom.

In my understanding if every switch has state “off” we reach 0 Percent
Is it true ?


short response
i implemate the script and it works
Thank you for the help