I have an integration for a water softener that is working well and I see all the values in dashboard. Now I am trying to write an automation that will alert me when the salt level goes below 25%. Here is my automation code:
- id: '1630381254562'
alias: Ecowater
description: 'Email when salt level dips below 25%'
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.water_salt_level_2
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.water_salt_level_2
state: '0.25'
for: 04:00:00
- service: notify.emailecowaterlowlevel
#message: Water softener salt level is less than 25 percent
message: |
Salt level is at {{ states.sensor.water_salt_level_2 }}
title: Low salt level in water softner
mode: single
When I manually run the automation, I do get an email but the text looks like:
Salt level is at <template TemplateState(<state sensor.water_salt_level_2=50; friendly_name=Water Salt Level (%) @ 2021-08-30T19:35:50.362908-07:00>)>
I can see that this string contains the correct value i.e 50% but is there a way to clean up the message body?
Try to use this- {{ states('sensor.water_salt_level_2') }}
Place it in Developer Tools → Template.
- id: '1630381254562'
alias: Ecowater
description: 'Email when salt level dips below 25%'
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.water_salt_level_2
below: '25'
for: '04:00:00'
- service: notify.emailecowaterlowlevel
#message: Water softener salt level is less than 25 percent
message: >-
Salt level is at {{ states('sensor.water_salt_level_2') }}%.
title: Low salt level in water softner
mode: single
Note that the trigger wont survive HA restart or automation reload. 4 hours is a bit too long in my opinion.
Sigh, you beat me to it I had almost exactly the same thing in my reply. You did change “0.25” to “25”, so the OP would need to see what the state actually is.
I also noticed that there is a clipboard icon next to each entity for copying its value, can’t believe I was doing things the hard way all these months!
You already have the correct answer, but I thought it’s good to add an explanation. What you got there was a state object (a “thing” that’s a composition of properties and values). If you used states.sensor.water_salt_level_2.state you would get the raw state value on that object. The states function gives you a safe value of that value, which is what one would use almost always. See the states section here.