Need help figuring out this error on lovelace card (octoprint/threedy)

Hey guys, looking for some help on this threedy card that syncs up with 3D printers. I installed the card through HACS and it works fine while connecting to my Prusa printer through the Prusa API and the sensors I set up in the config. However, as I move over to Octoprint, I would like it working with that. I added the Octoprint integration and the sensors all show up and are enabled. I’m able to add the “Status” and “Bed” values in the card, but I get this error while adding any of the others. Does anyone have any idea what this error means?

Below are pics of the error itself, the card working with 2 sensors added, and the sensors showing as working under the integration:


Solution found in github issue page Some entities have been removed in Home Assistant 2021.11 · Issue #43 · dangreco/threedy · GitHub