Need help. location of backup files on the Hassos sd card

Does anyone know the location or directory that HA creates the backups in. I have put the sd card in my pc but there does not seem to be a backup folder. Nr can I find a .tar file anywhere on the card.

Assuming your PC OS is Windows, you will need DiskInternals Linux Reader (free) to see the Linux partitions.

Hi Tom. Thanks ill give it a go. So am I right that the backup folder will be hidden?

Hi Just run the Linux reader and no backup files are there. The only two folders are System volume and Overlays.

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I hade the issue that my system was crashed and i wasnt able to restore the Backup from the sd card by the RaspberryPi.

My solution was to boot Ubuntu from a USB and there i was able to read the SD card from the Home Assistant. With the search i was able to find a Backup folder where was all Backups.

Thanks for the response.
I just started again and learned from my mistakes. Also I switched hardware to an old laptop I had sitting around. I used the Ubuntu boot you described and installed HA on it. It took about 15 minutes. It is more stable that the Pi. So all is well now.