Need help on automation if sensor.last_updated is high

I’m working since days on that and it’s not working. After learning a lot in the forums(Thanks!), I know that my template return ‘true’ in Developer Tools->template but I don’t get notification. (notify service works on other automations)

I would like to get notified if sensor.power does get updated after 100 seconds and I can see the number in dev tools. I feel I’m missing something stupid but I’m stuck on that since a while and I can’t find more info.


  • platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.power
  • condition: template
    value_template: “{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.power.last_updated) ) > 100 }}”
  • service: notify.dan
    message: powermon problem

can you please use code blocks to show your code, it could be that you have a missing tab/spaces before message: in the last line

From the documentation

  service: notify.notify
    message: "The sun is {% if is_state('sun.sun', 'above_horizon') %}up{% else %}down{% endif %}!"

I go back and forth between the yaml file editor and the webui and I lost the quotes at some point. I just double check and no luck with quotes. Thank you for your input.