Need help really new to home assistant

Hello everyone I’m really new to home assistant and I have everything sorted but I want to integrate Sky Q into my home assistant. I can’t understand the custom components stuff it says put them into your custom component folder I’ve made a folder custom_conponent then another one in that called Sky Q and this is where I muck up how do I download the code from GitHub also what do I need to download lol and how do I put it in there also if I’m doing it wrong please tell me I love to learn how to do it properly. Thank you

Looks like the Sky Q distro is available by default in the HACS libraries. Is there a reason you aren’t using HACS to install it? If you don’t know what I’m talking about research HACS first - then come back to your question.

Home Assistant Community Store | HACS

Assuming this is what you are trying to install:

To download from GitHub, a green “Code” download button will be visible on the right. Choose the Download ZIP option from the Code pull-down menu. That ZIP file will contain the entire repository content.

Copy the “skyq” folder to your “custom_components” folder.

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Yes that is what I’m trying to install I still can’t see the download do I have to have a GitHub account ?

Github isn’t built in a way to download files like you think. It’s a cloud code management system. You either have to know how to do it with an account, or get extra tools to help you download the code. It’s not natively built into the website. If you use chrome, get the gitzip extension, then read up on how to use gitzip to download the files.

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Thank you for the help I got it all working now

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Being ‘new’ has it’s ups and downs. Stick with it. It took me a bit to finally understand some things but here I am and I’m happy I did!! There are lots of VERY helpful and understanding people here. I come here often to just read anymore… maybe pick something up or to look [search] for an idea I have to see if anyone else has already done it.