How can I remove the negative entry (solar production), as can be seen in the attachment?
There are tons of threads about ‘developer tools’, and mysterious scripts to hack in the database, but there must be something simple to fix this right???
I tried to make sense of the tables in the sqlite DB, but I am not sure if this entry is even correct:
sqlite> select * from statistics_meta where statistic_id like 'sensor.grid_export_energy';
Ohmy ! This icon on the right represents an editor!!!
I am not sure if I understand the icon choice here, as I presumed it was a view of the data, never guessed it would be an editor function. Using a ‘pencil’ icon or something similar would have been so much more logical? I am not sure if I can address that somewhere.
Anyway, I did find the corrupted entry, and the energy dashboard for that specific day looks normal again.